Monday, September 28, 2009


All right!

My good friend Eric allowed me the honor of designing the cover to his new sketchbook!

[e]LEMENT : SHAPE - A Collection of Works by ERIC CANETE ($20.00USD, 8.5x8.5" - 48 pages, Full color/Pearl finish cover, B&W interior)

Please visit his blog or head on over to his official DA page for all the info you need!

I only ask that you buy all of his sketchbooks. But save one for me, please.

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"...and he keeps me in a bubble all day!"


The most adorable thing I've seen in a long time.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Apollon and Magog.

Magog is Apollon's stone pal.

Hanging out with my friend Eric is always inspiring. I got in to work early and drew like a wild person! I fell a little behind with my work-work, but I had to at least color this doodle.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oh, darn.

So, that really neato forum had a few rules I didn't bother to read because I just threw myself in for the challenge. They meant 'Classic Movie Monsters' as in, 'Universal Classic Movie Monsters'... They should add that somewhere...

Nobody is doing the Wolf Man.

So I will do the Wold Man.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Cat-man strikes!

There is this really cool forum my friend Katy told me about.

It's super 'cause they have a different theme every so often, and this time around, it's Classic Movie Monsters!

I'm gonna have a hand at it!

I already started, and will be doing my best to catalog my progress. Starting with this doodle of the Classic Monster of choice, the Cat-man! He's from the Bird and the Canary. His hands are crazy.

Thanks, Katy - I'm gonna do my best.

Val says:
I wanna get outta here.
Out of the U.S.
If I could, I'd be in Japan right now, drawing comics.

Alfredo-Pierre says:
i'd be in spain
pole dancing

Val says:

Alfredo-Pierre says:
i'm just paying my way through college
and i just turned 21
see i can start over

Val says:
You did not just turn 21.
...Did you?

Alfredo-Pierre says:
haha i wish
i'm 25
i'm a quarter dead

Val says:
I'm... yeah, I'm gonna die.

Alfredo-Pierre says:
lets go get botox together!
i have a coupon

Val says:
I don't wanna do that, silly.
I like my face, it's not so bad.

Alfredo-Pierre says:
haha i'm just playing

Val says:
Ask me in another 20 years.

Alfredo-Pierre says:
i'm sure there will be something amazing by then

Val says:
Then I'll be all, what's that, sonny? GOAT-OX? Suuure!

Alfredo-Pierre says:
like clone me and put my brain in the younger bodies body

Val says:
I think so too.
That's what having babies should really be about.
But, nobody has done it yet.
It shows how stupid humans are.
We are able to reproduce --
But we forget to continue the legacy OURSELVES.
With our own brain! But, you'd get transplanted in the baby body. And then, waiti it out I
That's why nobody can remember things like dinosaurs.

Alfredo-Pierre says:
did you see that movie the island?

Val says:

Alfredo-Pierre says:
i know its a BAY movie
but the concept is good

Val says:
Shame on you.

Alfredo-Pierre says:
well he didnt write it
he just made fast car chases on it

Val says:
What's it about?

Alfredo-Pierre says:
sorta about that
like people are being cloned
so the REAL people
can take body parts from them
whenever is needed
it takes place in the slight future
and i like the way the future looks it looks believable
los angeles looked nice

Val says:
I'll have to check it out.
Body parts from them?
Like that movie...
It's from the early 90s.
Except this one guy busted up some of his own body parts so this crazy mad scientist lady was
the first in her line of work to take other people's body parts! BUT FOR OTHER PEOPLE.
And the body parts where from a murderer guy!
And then!
The murderer guy woke up!
And he's all!
Where my body parts at!?
And he goes after the unsuspecting nice man who has already gone crazy by this point because
he has the murderers body parts!
And then they have a showdown!
And then they're all, "That's my body parts!" And the nice guy is all, "I don't want them! It's
making me crazy!"
And they go at it.
And I've ruined this movie for you.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Where did her bus fair go?

Where? Where???

Also, not to self: Porting/Button Monsters eat Little Italy.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

King Wing Call

The J-Rock band dream will come true. Here is the clip that was inspired by the doodle.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ika Crepe

I suppose I was not kidding.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I didn't get a chance to draw today. That always makes me sad... but I do have this quick concept I found! What should I draw tomorrow...? Hum. Note to self: 'Ika crepes'...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Here I am!

I was down and out, but now I am back! What came out of it? A newly organized and refreshed workspace at home is what!

Here is a silly doodle of Axel from Streets of Rage. I love that game.

I can not wait for Comic-kawn. I can not wait to get sloshed and buy comics.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I got another flat. The streets of Los Angeles has been feeling more like the Streets of Rage! Blaze, Axel and Adam need to come in an pound the bike lane clean. Beat the evil out of it, is what I am saying.

But for now, this old man I noticed (he was staring in to my soul) is okay too.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Having been invited by a bear...

I picked up this really neat book titled, 'Read Real Japanese'.

It has a few short stories that have both the original Japanese text, and the English translations. The first story I just started is very great! "Kamisama" (God), by Kawakami Hiromi. She is very easily becoming my favorite already.

There is a bear involved, and for some reason, I imagine him like so...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

7 Miles down...

...And I get a flat on my commute back home. I don't live in the safest of areas, so I decided to run for it, hahaha.

Please enjoy the brief yet accurate characterization.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Olympus Pin-up

I am very happy.

If you wouldn't mind scrolling down a bit, there is a pin-up I did for the comic there.

Please enjoy - thanks!


First post! Banzai!